Create the City
The Providence Approach
Buildings need to meet the needs of their users so we look at buildings from the inside out. We champion design excellence by challenging our teams to overcome the multiple constraints of space, user, site, and cost model captured in an exacting brief - great teams do their best work where the constraints are clear.
Buildings need to fit into their urban context so we look at the public space first and the buildings second. High-density mixed-use schemes need to be balanced by a skilful execution of the public realm if they are to be live-able. That means retail, commercial, health and education facilities, children’s play areas and artwork, security and permeability all need to be ‘baked’ into the mix. Planning officers are crying out for developers to embrace this part of their agenda.
Scale presents significant new challenges and handling the additional complexities of space, permeability, density, form, bulk, height and massing on large-scale, multi-building, brown-field regeneration schemes should not be underestimated. Through our extensive experience of managing these relationships we gain consents that are elegant, economic to deliver and highly profitable.
Finally, our experience tells us to that we need to address organisational issues in a structured manner; People First, Processes second and Technology last. We’ve vast experience in reorganising failing projects and delivering extraordinary results. This is informed by our success on our own projects where we can managed the entire process optimally.